Where is My Baby??

You've reached term at 38 weeks, or maybe you've reached your Estimated Due Date (EDD) at 40 weeks and still no baby. The anxiety is building when your baby will arrive. Family and friends are calling every day asking is the baby here yet. Your mind is racing, and the only thing you can think of is...

"Where is my baby??"

It is not uncommon to go beyond your due date. The EDD is based on the day of your last menstrual period (LMP) unless you know your date of conception. Chances are you are not getting pregnant during your cycle but during ovulation after your LMP. When ovulation occurs can vary from body to body and month to month. 

Since your EDD is based on your last cycle, but you ovulate after your last period, chances are baby may still baking for a good reason. They're not done growing yet. 

The average person goes into labor on their own by 40 weeks and five days. Others may deliver either two weeks before or after their EDD. This is still perfectly normal, although it can be a bit frustrating when you're dealing with the unknown of when you'll meet your baby. 

Take some stress and anxiety off yourself. Instead of focusing on a date, focus on a range around that date. This allows you to be flexible and less antsy and a bit more patient as your baby puts finishing touches on their growing and developing body. 

Breathe. Relax. Be patient. It's called an "estimated" due date for a reason.